What is the difference between an Easy Peasy Science Project or Fair Kit and other science kits on the market?
Easy Peasy Science Kits are intended for you to complete an in depth science project at home and clearly lead you through ONE experiment. Additionally, you are guided through the necessary papers and research needed to complete and submit a successful science fair project.
What are the age levels for this kit?
These kits are intended for elementary and middle school students who are participating in their school's fair or want to learn about science (Ages 8-14). Our projects have been carefully chosen to be appropriate for these age levels and advanced journal questions are also included for students who are at the older end of this spectrum.
What if I just want to do a science experiment
Each kit includes a fun and interesting experiment. Even if you are not doing a science fair experiment there is a lot to learn from. These are fantastic choices classrooms and families since each experiment can be repeated 4-6 times. This allows for multiple children to use a kit as they learn about the scientific method, biology and chemistry. Many homeschool families and schools choose our project boxes because they include full curriculum for your project and are fun and interesting.
Could we get in trouble for using these kits?
No worries there -- it's not cheating. These kits just supply everything you need. Your child still has to conduct the experiment, gather data and write it up. The kit includes resources and templates they can use to help write their own reports.
We have even had several teachers and schools recommend these kits to families.
Will you have more kits available next year?
Yes! We add a new kit each year.
What is your return policy?
Yes! We add a new kit each year.